
Showing posts from 2016

2023-09-13, Wednesday, Cloudy


Google Speech API with Cantonese

I am trying to convert some Cantonese audio clip into text with the Google Speech API. The example app on was good (I am using Java) and following the instruction I can get the example converting the sample clip into text. But than I get into trouble converting the Cantonese. Firstly, I can't get it converting Cantonese clip. It just returned blank result. I did two things to make it return some transcript. Setting the Language Code     RecognitionConfig config =         RecognitionConfig.newBuilder()             .setEncoding(AudioEncoding. LINEAR16 )             .setSampleRate( samplingRate ).setLanguageCode( "yue-Hant-HK" )             .build(); Using Audacity and record the clip with MONO channel, and export it as RAW type: File type: Other uncompressed files Header: RAW (header-less) En...

Useful SSH usage

This post has a command that is useful about running SQL statement. The command is: mysql -e 'SHOW DATABASES;' -h | ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 remotehost cat This post is good too about ssh without password instead of using rsa key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 ssh-copy-id id@server

no main manifest attribute in jar file

Recently I need to create a jar with ant so after a few search I found that I have to work with a manifest file. Everything seems fine and I can build my jar file with ant happily until I use the ant's manifest task to add manifest file into jar file and run with "java -jar xxx.jar", I always get an error:  no main manifest attribute in xxx.jar I was wondering why it doesn't work after I have follow the instructions here and using the examples there as reference.  After started things all over again with basic Java tutorial on Oracle's website, finally I figure it out. It was all about the manifest file the ant task genereted: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.7 Created-By: 1.8.0_91-b14 (Oracle Corporation) Built-By: Whelan Chan Name: common Main-Class: There are two EOL after the "Built-By" attribute and so all the attributes after it could not be recognized. After I removed the extra EOL: Manif...
Somebody creates a 2D game engine... looks good, will check it out later.

About learning regular expression

Useful regex test site for java: Very good site(non-java): Very good learning site:

Something about bit operation

One day I was thinking of how to handle an array of bits so I can use it to mark some information of another array. After checking below thread final I've made my own class to handle it. As I am not a very good coder I may have made careless mistake but still want to put it here for my future reference and whoever passes by here please do leave me some comment about it so I can improve myself. /**  * Create a simple class containing an array of bits.  *  * @author Whelan Chan  *  */ public class BitArray{     private long bitX64[] = null;     private final static int BIT_SIZE = 64;       public BitArray(int size) {         bitX64 = new long[size / BIT_SIZE + (size % BIT_SIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1)];     }     public boolean getBit(int pos) {         return ((bitX64[pos / BIT_SIZE] >> pos & 1l) == 1l);     }     public void setBi...

wsimport on jBoss 4.2.2

I was having problem with my webservice client generated by wsimport on jBoss 4.2.2. Finally with the help of my boss i fixed it and hopefully will help somebody encountered the same issue as me or myself in the future. I did not know what exactly was happening as seems the exception was suppressed and could not be seen in the catch cause. But fixing it I actually was just copying library into jboss-4.2.2GA\lib\endorsed. 1. Download JAX-WS 2.6 and copy below files: Gmbal-api-only.jar  Jaxb-api.jar  Jaxb-impl.jar  Jaxws-api.jar  Jaxws-rt.jar  Policy.jar  Stax-ex.jar  Streambuffer.jar into jboss-4.2.2GA\lib\endorsed. (Please refer to 2. Copy below files: jboss-jaxrpc.jar  jboss-jaxws.jar  jboss-saaj.jar into jboss-4.2.2GA\lib\endorsed. (Please refer to After copying the ja...

XA jdbc setup